At Shobha nursing Home Pvt. Ltd., we strictly follow the Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) guidelines laid out by the Indian Council of Medical Research.

Third-party reproduction or donor-assisted reproduction is any human reproduction in which DNA or gestation is provided by a third party or donor other than the parents who will raise the resulting child.

Surrogacy or Gestational Surrogates Program

Surrogacy is the process in which harvested eggs from the mother are fertilized with sperm from the father, and the embryo is placed into the uterus of a gestational surrogate.

The surrogate mother then carries the baby until birth. Here, the surrogate is only used to carry the embryo and is therefore not the child’s biological mother.

Woman who is capable of producing healthy eggs, yet is not able to become pregnant can choose a gestational surrogate.

Couples might decide to use a surrogate for several reasons such as:

  • History of miscarriage

  • Problems with uterus or hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus)

  • Severe heart disease

Using In Vitro Fertilization, it typically takes three to five days before the embryo develops in the lab. Then it is implanted into the uterus of the surrogate. She then carries the embryo until the time of the child’s birth.

Should you have questions regarding Surrogacy & legal aspects related to surrogacy in India, feel free to contact us at (0217) 274-5505.

We ensure all your information will be kept confidential.

Donor Program

If a couple cannot be helped in conception through their own sperms and/or eggs, they may want to consider using donor (eggs, sperms or embryos).

At Shobha Nursing home Pvt. Ltd., we operate an active donor program to help individuals or couples in their effort to become parents.


Cytogenetics analysis includes – PGT-A, PGT-M (Pre implantation genetic diagnosis), Embryo biopsy.

Please contact our co-ordinators at (0217) 274 5505 to discuss any questions you may have about our donor program.

All the information related to the donor is kept strictly confidential and is not shared with others.